
Scene segmentation from point clouds and motion planning with MoveIt! play an important part in automating the tasks that gardening experts perform on a daily basis.


Tired: Grow Areas
Wired: Grow Volumes


Decouple weather conditions and food security. Grow whatever plants you want, anywhere on (or off) the globe, pesticide-free.


Phytomech relies heavily upon Open Source Software and Hardware. We are working in close association with Open Science Robotics Lab to develop open source horticultural automation.

Not A Startup™

We are not in Series A, B, C, or whatever.
We are not in "Stealth Mode".
We are a privately owned small business and are perfectly content to remain as such. We only need a small amount of seed funding, on the same scale as purchasing a home.


Due to the space efficiency of our vertical planting methods we are capable of the same output as a much larger horizontal growing facility. Automating the labor of planting, tending, and harvesting the plants allows our operation to scale up our labor in direct relation to our profits. More money means more robots, more robots mean more plants, more plants mean more money... and so forth.

Learn more about Phytomech →

A new kind of company for a new era in technology

Business that employ a large degree of automation grow by different rules than other enterprises. Phytomech has been built from the ground up to exploit these differences in operations from a normal business to maximal effect.

Many hands make light work


Robotics lets us plan to expand our business without having to expand our payroll.

Open Planting Towers

Huge list of Open Datasets

Giving back to the open source community we owe so much.

The math checks out

Indoor Garden

We can fit an exceedingly large number of planting sites into a relatively small space.

Contact us →

Join the Revolution in Automated Horticulture

We're not like those other greenhouses. We use lots of fancy technology. The fanciest technology. GIVE US MONEY. Don't wait. Contact us today!